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Viewing Member - mlbh

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Monday, July 3, 2006, 7:25:12 PM-
I wonder how today is going to turn out?

It started out fairly well. I slept in, well 8am is sleeping late when you have a little one. Took my time getting up and going and then we headed out to run some errands. Nothing great, post office, home depot and gorcery store. I guess I didn't think about a lot of people having today off for the holiday tomorrow but all the stores were packed with people! Oh well, we were in no hurry so it wasnt' a big deal.

While we were out though something happened that might change the course of the day, the holiday weekend and maybe more.
My mother called to say that she got a call from my grandmothers caregiver that something was wrong with my grandmother and they were taking her to the ER. About an hour later a call from my cousin who was with her and the word was they think she was just having a bad reaction to her meds. She's 80 and on so many different meds, some should not be combined because of adverse reactions. Well about 30 minutes later and another phonecall says it's not just the meds but her potassium level is so high they've never seen anyone with it that high and alive. Sounds as if she's having kidney failure and they potassium level being that high is also concern for heart attack.
She lives in a small town so they are transporting her to SanAntonio. We'll know more in a few hours after she gets there.

I hope the next phonecall is not that we need to head there right away to say goodbyes or that we've missed saying goodbye.

Nobody lives forever I know...

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"I kinko da toy. Be praying for you and yours, MLBH."
- obiwanbeeohbee

Tuesday, June 27, 2006, 6:41:44 PM- Oh yea, I forgot to say...
That I'm still extremely horny! It's killing me!

Last night I went out to dinner and the table I was at looked over the bar area. There were several groups of guys there hanging out and having drinks and I couldn't take my eyes off of them. A few were quite good looking and I couldn't help but wonder...
Unfortunately, the ones I was checking out were married...otherwise I might have gone up and introduced myself. Or at least squeezed between them to order a drink at the bar and give them the chance to start a conversation. But alas...they were married so I was a good girl and let my waitress get my drink for me wink

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"sorry (worst) spell check is a crutch and not here...a BA does nothing for my horrible Grammar and spelling"
- listo

Tuesday, June 27, 2006, 6:35:47 PM- Waiting...
First let me say that I am probably one of the most impatient people around...when I want something I want it right waiting!

So I've been looking for a job. Had many interviews and would have probably accepted most of them had they been offered for the simple fact that I need a job...not because it was a place I wanted to work or it seemed like a good fit.

Last week I interviewed with a company though that seems like a perfect fit for me and for them as well. Had my 2nd interview with them already too so I know they liked me enough to call me back in and have me meet with some of the other people. Lat week I was told they would be making a decision by my contact (A professional recruiter) says it will likely be the end of this week. UGH!
Everything went very well and I'm hopeful that they will make me an offer but I'm also nervous that they won't.

Had two calls for interviews today but haven't scheduled anything with either yet. They are both a very long drive from home. One I already know would not be a good place to work, word of mouth in my industry and the other I don't know much about but do know that I'm already at the top end of the salary range for them so it wouldn't be someplace to stay and grow.

I need that job and I want that job and I want them to call!!!

Sitting here waiting is crappy!

Oh well...guess I'll go visit the chatroom and perv on some pics while I wait smile~~~~

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"/me sits on the waiting couch with mlbh. I too am going through the same thing. Yesterday I went for my 2nd interview and think it went well. One of the decision makers is on vacation this week. Ughhhhh /me grabs mlbh's fingers and starts biting her finger nails.

Good luck beautiful."
- BlewCrabb

Sunday, June 25, 2006, 4:20:13 PM- A better finish...
Okay so after yesterday's rocky start the day finished off quite well. A friend of mine who I haven't seen in awhile called and invited us to dinner and out to play with her family.
I had more fun that I thought I would and being with her and her husband and daughter didn't even bother me. They are both friends of mine and I don't feel like a 3rd wheel with them for some reason.
Their 6 year old daughter and mine are very good friends and think they are long lost

We had a quick dinner and then to Mountasia for miniature golf, bumper boats, go carts and of course overpriced drinks, candy and games. We got home really late for a 3 year old but had a good time...I'm glad we went.

I have some free time today as her dad picked her up this morning and will have her until early evening. Too bad I don't have anyone to actually spend it with...I'll probably just hang out on NN smile~

If you are one of the two people who actually read my blog and you've made it this far...I hope you're having a nice weekend!!!
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"Had a great weekend. Got to chat with my long distance GF for wuite a while last night and she know just what to say to perk me up. Glad your weekend finished well... Hugz 'n' Kisz"
- obiwanbeeohbee

Saturday, June 24, 2006, 6:48:23 PM- Still adjusting to my new life...
For the second weekend in a row my 3 year old daughter was invited to a birthday party for a friend from school. I like for her to be able to attend but it's getting me bummed going to all these things by myself.

I know that single moms aren't uncommon these days but you have to understand my neighborhood. I live in the suburbs surrounded by families, minivans or SUV's and stay at home moms. Until my divorce I fit in with these families but I feel like an outsider now.
I take her to these parties and many of the kids are there with both their mother and father. It makes me sad. For numerous reasons I guess...I feel bad for my daughter because she doesn't have that anymore and I wonder if we will ever have that again. I certainly hope so because I liked being married and I hope someday to have that again.

This is just not the way I planned things and I have no idea what to expect next. I've aways believed that everything happens for a reason and I truly hope that the last 18 months of my life happened for a reason and that the end results will be wonderful and make it all worthwhile!

Sorry to be such a wouldn't think a kids birthday party would do that to a person wink
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"im still adjusting to being single too, but my kids are older than yours and that seems to make a difference, chin up things will get better"
- juicy

Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 5:28:42 PM- What to do now?
Okay so for the last week or so I have been so incredibly horny! It's all I think about...looking at guys at the grocery store, that mall, out to dinner...wondering how he'd be in bed or imagining his hands on me.

So today my FB came to visit and it was as good as I remember (been awhile since I've seen him because he travels with work)...shouldn't I feel satisfied?
Well I don't. I mean it was great, he's great but I still feel like I need more...lots more!

Probably a mental thing more than physical huh?

Great lets just add that to my list of "issues"

Oh least I got laid today smile~

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"It's been a longggg time for me but I'd be up for an entire day spent in bed. hehehe"
- BlewCrabb

Sunday, June 18, 2006, 1:47:36 AM- Karma anyone?
Do you believe in Karma? I have always believed in it and the idea that what goes around comes around. I’ve been wondering something lately though…is there a time limitation on Karma? Or is there a line when it’s called even?

I know I’ve done some crappy things in my life but nothing too sinister I don’t think.
The last 18 months or so of my life have been an emotional rollercoaster and a total disaster. Maybe I deserved some of it…my karma…but come on now…I definitely don’t deserve all of this…when does it end? Can’t we call it even now and cut me a frigging break?! I could use one right about now...seriously!!

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"Been going through some pretty deep stuff lately myself, mlbh. The hard times build character, and as you well know /me is quite a character... xxxxx"
- obiwanbeeohbee

Saturday, June 17, 2006, 2:08:20 AM- Hmmmm..
So I'm thinking of starting a blog. Not real sure yet...for one thing I'm not sure what I want to say and I'm also not sure if anyone will read it either.

I enjoy reading other peoples blogs...guess it's the voyer in me that wants to hear other peoples thoughts and about their lives.

I guess this is my test...I'll think about it over the next few days...what do you think?
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"Nice fuckin ASS babydoll"
- gratefuldog

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