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Saturday, August 15, 2015, 8:26:40 AM- Thoughts of the day ;
Random thoughts ;

Broken wings can only be mended my broken souls.

If you wait until your truly ready,
You will be waiting the rest of your life.

I fall in love with people's passion.
The way their eyes light up when they talk about
the things they love and the way they fill with light.
moments when you can't control a smile that comes from inside
your heart.

Sometimes we are unsure of what pain is worse -
The shock of what happened or
the ache of what never will.

I have been a haunted house.
I have had things die, but never leave.
And there were certainly times I didn't want
them to leave because they were beautiful.
They were no longer real but they were truly beautiful.
Bitter sweet bridges to brighter days.

The way you can still hear their laugh ringing in
your ears even though you haven't seen them in a long
time is maybe the definition of still loving someone.

Final thought:

People cry, not because they are weak.
It is because they've been strong too long.

Johnny Depp
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"Nice work mate"
- Entropy20

Friday, August 14, 2015, 12:13:01 PM- Thoughts of the day ;
How to stop time: kiss.

How to travel in time: read.

How to escape time: music.

How to feel time: write.

How to release time: breathe.

You aren't worthless like your made to feel.
You aren't so broken you could never heal.
You're not stupid like they make you think.

Listen as I say this ,
You are stronger than you believe,
and smarter than you seem.
You are special, you are something else,
be proud of yourself.

Everyone says love hurts, but that's not
Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts.
Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts.

Everyone gets these things confused with
love, but in reality love is the only thing
in this world that covers up all the pain
and makes someone feel wonderful again.
is the only thing in this world that
does not hurt.

Final thought:

My mission should I choose to accept it,
is to find peace with exactly who and what I am.
To take pride in my thoughts, my appearance,
my talents, my flaws and to stop this incessant
worrying that I can't be loved as I am.

Anais Nin

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"Wise words micheal"
- Entropy20

Thursday, August 13, 2015, 1:25:56 PM- Thoughts of the day ;
The dandelion said :
A kiss for a wish from your sweet lips.
To which the girl replied :
Kisses and wishes are for the fool hearted.
She watched as the dandelion bled with each
dying wish saying ....
For one foolish heart,
exists the breath of the dreamers and believers.

Sometimes you meet someone and it's clear the two
of you belong together on some level.
As lovers or friends, or something totally different.
You just work ,whether you understand each other, are
lovers, or just partners in crime.
You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere,
under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel
I don't know if that makes me believe in coincidence, fate or blind luck,
but it definitely makes me believe.

What if.......
you knew (really knew), that your heart pulls you
towards mystery and wonder for a purpose and that is it's
Try to follow it and see.

Final thought :

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

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"Great choice of quotes :)"
- Entropy20

Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 7:06:25 PM- Thoughts of the day ;
Sometimes I think of the sun and moon
as lovers who rarely meet, always chase
and most always miss one another.
But once in a while, they do catch up, and they kiss,
and the world stands in awe of their eclipse.

Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who
are only waiting to see us act, just once with beauty
and courage.
Perhaps everything that frightens us, is in it's deepest
essence, something helpless that wants our love.

I like flaws and I am most comfortable around those
with them.
I myself am made up entirely of flaws stitched together with
good intentions.

She is beautifully different like some Salvador Dali
piece of genius that people stare at pretending to understand.
She has this devilish yet polite smile that she gives
to all who make brave attempts to fix her.

You are an artist of the spirit.
Find yourself and express yourself in your own particular
Express your love openly.
Life is nothing but a dream and if you create your life
with love, your dreams become a masterpiece of art.

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"I like this"
- tight_wet_lips

Thursday, August 6, 2015, 11:43:00 AM- Thoughts of the day ;
One of the best things about a new place is making
it your own.
Thru out my life it was the art work, the garden, flowers, plants
things put together to make it special to me , part of me something I created .
When I was in the hospital I gave away my stuff, most everything.
I am starting over working on the walls ,the inside.
I have a mantle, the stuff on it looks o.k. mostly things from the past, I had been thinking about changing it to a theme, a mantle where everything ties in.
But the thing is as I think about it, these are pieces of my life.
The items on it don't blend in harmony, my life is less than perfect. Like my mantle, it's me. You can't beat that kind of special.
Life perhaps, is about blending the new with the old and never
letting go of the things that dwell in our hearts.

Two things define you:
Your patience when you have nothing
and your attitude when you have everything.

My entire life can be described in one sentence:
It didn't go as planned , and that's o.k.

After a while I looked in the mirror and realized ...
Wow after all these hurts, scares and bruises, after all these
trials, I really made it through. I did it. I survived that
which was suppose to kill me. So I straightened my crown ...
and walked away like a boss.

We are all crazy in our own way.
I'm just looking for someone whose crazy can play nicely
with my crazy.
And on the days they don't,
is crazy enough to stay.
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"(((Michael))) xxxx"
- Whispermyname

Wednesday, August 5, 2015, 8:23:57 AM- Thoughts of the day ;
I hold music in my heart
like the breath in my lungs,
it has saved me more than once.
That's the thing about music,
it never leaves. It's solid.
It validates my feelings and tops off
my emotions.
The same way my heart reminds me of my existence,
the same way my name is stitched into who I am.
There are lyrics in my skin from decades ago, to remind me,
that some years were dark, but I survived in the darkness ,
and thrived in my own light.
The beat of my heart is a dance ,
instruments holding the strings and my song is always playing.
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"Music is the beat of life"
- Entropy20

Sunday, August 2, 2015, 10:30:28 PM- Thought of the day ;
I want the weirdos , the clumsy, fumbling, awkward ones
who call themselves a big mess. That's where it's at.
Give me the ones who's eyes are covered with a shades
of madness. Throw me in a room of loners, the ones who never
found their place. Sit me down at a table with the dreamers,
the ones who feel with their eyes and see with their hearts.
Surround me with extraordinary souls who inhale passion thru
their fingertips, and exhale creativity from masterpieces in
their own bones. I want to dance with the ones who break their own hearts because
they only know how to love to hard or not at all.

My brothers son passed away last week.
He never found his place of fitting in on this earth.
He had a beautiful heart , yet he never believed in himself.

I want to build a path with the pieces of the broken ones.
I want to follow the trail and carry each piece back to it's
owner, showing them the stained glass pieces of their beautiful,
broken, magnificence.
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Saturday, August 1, 2015, 2:13:28 PM- Thoughts of the day ;
As we grow up we learn that even the person that wasn’t supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it gets harder every time. You’ll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You’ll fight with your best friend. You’ll blame a new love for things an old one did. You’ll cry because time is passing too fast, and you’ll eventually lose someone you love, so take many pictures, laugh too much and love like you’ve never been hurt!

Sometimes I want to live my life in reverse. That way it will start with you coming back to me as fast as you can and end
with me never knowing I needed you.

My heart speaks a language that has no script.
It yearns for someone to write it on my lips so
I can understand it too.

She is beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She is beautiful for the way she thinks . She is beautiful for that sparkle in her eyes when she talks about something she loves. She is beautiful for her ability to make other people smile even when she is sad. No, she isn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She is beautiful, deep down to her soul.

If a man expects his woman to be the angel in his life,
then he should first create a heaven for her.

Final thought;

Don't wait on the right person to come into your life.
Make yourself the right person to walk into someone
else's life.

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"Great perspective michael :)"
- Entropy20

Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 10:44:53 AM- Thoughts of the day ;
Let someone love you just the way you are -
as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as
you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you
think you are.
To believe that you must hide all the parts of you
that are broken, out of the fear someone else is
incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is
to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering
a broken window and illuminating a dark room.

- Marc Hack

My heart is full of windows but every view is
is obstructed by shattered cracks of glass.
You see, that's the beauty of it.
I have seen hearts without windows, souls without
doors, and although it gets dark there,
the beauty
isn't in the view itself but the person looking

Souls recognize each other by the way they feel.
Not by the way they look.

Final thought;
People change for two reasons,
their minds have open or
their hearts have been broken.

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"Nice thoughts michael"
- Entropy20

Sunday, July 26, 2015, 7:34:19 AM- Thoughts of the day ;
Darkness falls on the dreams of lovers,
passionate kisses, promises of forever..
They could have forever, they could have it all,
but the sky was determined to fail them,
The sky was determined to fall..

And as their souls co-inside,
they're torn apart by ego and pride..
Shadows of jealousy, secrets, and deceptions,
Stain colored mirror of two lovers tainted reflections..
Star filled eyes seeking visions of passion,
Moonlit lies reflecting self destructive fashions..

Running away from love and the unknown,
Just to find themselves together, Broken, and alone..
compassionate souls with fractured hearts,
Looking for the ending but only finding the start..
Parallel lives crossing by fate,
Driven by fear, love, and hate...

And as tears fall from their broken hearts,
ripping their fragile souls apart,
if only they could realize,
that if they just opened their eyes,
That truth is where true love lies....

There are some poems we leave behind,
some leave us behind.
While some just live silently in the heart.
Crumble, sometimes dwindle disappear and die.
and are reborn
when you smile again.

It's not always going to be boy - meets - girl
happily- ever - after.
You'll lose the fight for awhile.
You'll lose each other.
You'll lose each other as
you sleep beside each other every night
and somehow, sometimes
you'll find each other again too.

Final thought;
"Stay close to anything that makes you
feel alive".

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"Great blog as always dude :)"
- Entropy20

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