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Viewing Member - TexAngel

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Thursday, February 7, 2019, 7:01:57 PM- Truth!
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"I love the wardrobe changes this time of year. Start out in sweats, by lunchtime to shorts, back to sweats at sunset."
- 12gaugefan

Monday, January 7, 2019, 2:31:58 AM- Final goodbyes
We honored a dear friend’s life today. At 45 he was much too young. I HATE cancer!!!

So many old friends came to show their love. It was so good to see them all and my friend would have loved knowing everyone was there for him. I just hate that this is what it takes to bring us all back together. We’re mostly passed seeing each other at weddings and births and still too young for weddings of our children and births of grandchildren, but we are certainly too young to be saying goodbye to our peers.

My friend was like a big brother to me in high school. One of my best friends. Every teenage girl needs a guy friend to look out for and protect her and he was mine. He went through some stuff that I had to distance myself from for a while, but I’m so thankful for the chance to reconnect and spend some of his final days with him. I will miss him and I will always love him.
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"Sorry to hear about your loss. I send my hugs across the miles."
- tight_wet_lips

Sunday, September 16, 2018, 6:12:44 AM- Why not?
This one seemed a little different.

??Favorite smell: the top of a baby’s head
?First Job: Hostess at a Mexican food restaurant
??Dream Job: Getting paid to travel the world
??Favorite dog breed: German Shepard
??Favorite foot attire: Flip Flops
??Favorite candy bar: Plain Hershey’s Chocolate
??Favorite ice cream: Cheesecake ice cream with Oreos
?Favorite cake: Italian cream
??Favorite food: Mexican
??Favorite thing to hear: “you don’t look old enough to have a teenager”
?Favorite tv show: Currently.... American Horror Story
?Favorite holiday: Christmas
??Night or Day person: Night, but I can tolerate the daytime smile
??Favorite day of the week: Saturday
??Tattoos: 0... I’m a chicken
??Like to cook: Yes, but I rarely do
??Beer or wine? Wine if I was choosing between the two
?? Can you drive a standard? Yes
?Skate backwards: Sure... in my younger days
??Favorite vegetable: spinach
??Glasses or contacts: neither
??Favorite season: Autumn for sure!

Some people claim I’m bossy, copy & paste and change your answers. Do it!
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"You forgot favorite jammies:Zebra striped. There I added it for you :)"

Thursday, August 9, 2018, 7:58:09 PM- I find this fascinating. 0- here. Maybe I need to change my name to TexAlien. ;)
According To A New Theory, People With RH Negative Blood Type Are Aliens

Have you ever felt that you never really belonged in this world? Do you have a fascination with space and the universe? Do you feel that you have some sort of mission in life to seek the truth and help mankind? Do you also have Rh-negative blood?

According to medical studies, people with Rhesus negative blood type lack the Rhesus factor.

The Rhesus factor is a protein substance which is found in the red blood cells in people who don’t have this blood type. Recent theories claim that these people may not be from this world. They may be aliens.

There are also other theories which suggest that these people are angles fallen from heaven or they are extraterrestrial beings from space. (Oh, wait, maybe I AM an angel grin )

In fact, it is clear that people with RH negative blood type are unique, different and special.

People with Rhesus negative O blood type can be donors to any person no matter of his/her blood type. On the other side, when they are in need for blood only their own blood type can be used.

Only 10% of the entire world population has this blood type and most of these people are from the northern parts of Europe. (Another link to my Irish heritage)

Nowadays, we have 4 blood types, which are O, A, B and AB blood type. The difference between the blood types is the presence of the proteins in blood. However, the Rhesus negative O blood type does not have proteins in the blood.

Today the scientific community is investigating the origins of this blood type. According to the scientists, it is connected to some groups and tribes of people which lived 35,000 years ago. The rhesus negative O blood type is most common among people in Europe. Only 3% of the African-American population has it, while in the Asian population there are only 1% of people which share this blood type.

People with the rhesus negative blood type share some common characteristics, such as having hazel, green or blue colored eyes, having higher IQ, being sensitive to heat, having lower bodily temperature, red hair and more emotional and physical awareness.

More mystery appears among people with rhesus negative O blood type when a pregnant woman is analyzed. Pregnant women with this blood type cannot deliver a child with a rhesus positive blood type since their bodies try to destroy the baby. In this case, they are prescribed the Rho (D) or Anti-D immunoglobulin, special sterilized solutions. (RhoGAM shots hurt sad, but my 0+ girl was born happy and healthy smile )

This is why it is suggested that aliens are involved with the rhesus negative O blood type. Something that is even more extraordinary is that every reported alien xxxxxxxxx was by people with this blood type. (Never been abducted... that I can recall)

Therefore, as historical records also show, it is very likely that aliens have changed the human kind genetics.

Maybe I’m an Alien of the sea though. I’m much more fascinated by water than space. Water calms and puts me at peace. Maybe I’m a mermaid!! 8 )
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"I am O negative, and coincidentally have found my DNA to be 68% Scandinavian ( and 6% Irish so I truly can claim some of the Luck of the Irish)
I guess that would make me an Alien Viking Angel, that does not get to receive a very large portion of that Pot of Gold lol
Great Blog Sexy Texy :) xoxo"
- undisclosedid1

Saturday, February 17, 2018, 5:58:22 PM-
I come here for fun and as a way to get away from the news and the doom and the gloom of the real world. I want to laugh and smile, but earlier this week I popped in and promptly left because really I can’t stand political debates here. It especially irks me from people who do not live in this country. I love and adore my friends here from all over the world. Every single person has a right to their opinion and I will not judge a single person for theirs even if I do not agree because like you, I have a right to mine.

I think what set me off the most the other day was a comment from someone I do consider a friend that stated people in America should be afraid to have children. Really? Violence can happen anywhere! A few months ago a commuter train was bombed in London. Until I heard from a dear friend that commutes into London, I worried myself sick! My child’s safety is a daily concern of mine because she is my child, but one thing I know and that has been shown in every single school shooting here is that her teachers and administrators love her and every single child in her school and would lay down their lives to protect her. I worry about her safety daily, but no more when I drop her off at school than I do when she leaves in a car with a friend. Friends that are all new drivers, because cars kill more people than guns every single day. Should we ban cars? No more than when we board a plane to travel because bombs on planes have become a world wide concern. Aren’t bombs illegal? Aren’t drugs? We could get into a heavy debate about deaths from drug overdoses... it’s staggering! The people that deal these drugs are all murders.

I am Texan. Born and bred and as proud of that as I am to be an American. I grew up in a house full of guns. From a very young age I was taught gun safety and respect for them. My dad never locked his gun safe. We knew not to touch them without his permission because he would have wore out behinds out if we did. My dad has never once in my life spanked me, but I was never going to test him either. I respected him. There is a lack of respect in our country for parents, for authority, for human life. That is where we are failing. That is why awful things like this are happening. Just about every single one of my friends had access to a gun when I was in high school, but we also had parents that disciplined us as much as they loved us.

There are sick people in this world. In every country, in every city and if they want to kill, they will find a way. 80% of violent crimes in Britain and Wales involved no weapon at all. 80%! A bomb going off in a public area will kill more people in a single instant than a semi-automatic gun can. On that note, and yes my dad owns one, I do not think anyone needs a semi-automatic gun unless they are in the military. I do think it should be harder to buy a gun and licensing and gun safety should be more stringent, but most people do not attain guns that kill people in legal ways.

What we need to do is to take an interest in these teens. Don’t expel them from school. What good does that do? Help them. Listen to them. Maybe if someone had taken an interest in what was bothering this child instead of brushing him off as trouble the outcome of this past week’s tragedy would have been different. This country needs to stop being politically divided and come together to love a generation of children who are falling through the cracks. I am a mother of a teenager. My house is full of them most days of the week. I woke up with four of them here this morning. They are not mine, but I love them like they are. They know they are always welcome. They will always have someone who talks to them and takes an interest in them. A place where they are loved and cared about. That is what these kids need. I also hope that I have taught my child and her friends to be kind. If I hear them talking about someone in a negative way I really try to make them think about why this person may act this way and think about what they me be going through. Kindness and consideration go a lot further than judgment.

Sorry for the long rant. Blogs are a place to get things off your chest, right? smile Back to the fuckery and the fun and remember, no matter what your opinion is, if you are my friend I will love you anyway.
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"Well said, Angel. Pretty much spot on with how I feel, about it all. I'm not a parent, but I worry like crazy about my nieces and nephews. What changed from when I was in high school? Problems between kids were handled with a rare fistfight, never a weapon. There are no easy answers. It took a long time to get this point, and it will take a long time to unravel. Mental health would be a good place to start, along with restricting these military type weapons - I don't see a need for the general public to have them."
- owbiglineman

Thursday, February 8, 2018, 3:33:03 AM- This made me laugh...

And also makes my boobs hurt just watching it!! lol
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"Looool:D BOOBS :)"
- smedium

Thursday, February 1, 2018, 4:36:58 AM- Because I thought that last one was fun :)
Play along if you’d like!

Broken Bones - Nope
Shot a gun - Yep
Driven 100 mph - Yep
Ridden in a helicopter - No
Gone zip lining - No
Been to an NFL game - Yes
Been to Canada - Yes
Visited Florida - Yes
Visited Mexico - Yes
Visited Vegas- Yes
Eat alone at a restaurant - No
Ability to read music - No
Ridden a motorcycle - Yes
Ridden a horse – Yes
Stayed in a hospital – Yes
Donated blood - No, I’m a chicken and I HATE needles!
Slept outside – Yes
Driven a stick shift - Yes
Ridden in an 18 wheeler - No, but I’ve sat in Tux’s smile
Ridden in a police car - No
Driven a boat - Yes
Eaten Escargot - Yes
Been on a cruise - Yes
Run out of gas - Yes
Eaten Sushi - Yes
Seen a ghost/spirit - Yes
Been to London - No
Been to Central America - Yes
Been to Alaska - No
Been to Hawaii - No
Seen a UFO- No
Been to Europe - No
Been to San Francisco - Does the airport count? If so then yes.
Been to NYC - No, but I’m going in May!!! grin
Been to Washington DC - No
Been snow skiing - No
Been Ice skating - Yes

Hold your finger down and select all, then copy. Then go to your blog and paste. Change the answers and post. Have fun!!!!!
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"Broken Bones - Yes
Shot a gun - yes pistol, rifle, and real gun
Driven 100 mph - Yes
Ridden in a helicopter - yes
Gone zip lining - yes
Been to an NFL game - Yes
Been to Canada - Yes
Visited Florida - Yes
Visited Mexico - Yes
Visited Vegas- Yes
Eat alone at a restaurant - yes
Ability to read music - No
Ridden a motorcycle - Yes
Ridden a horse – Yes
Stayed in a hospital – Yes
Donated blood - yes
Slept outside – Yes
Driven a stick shift - Yes
Ridden in an 18 wheeler - yes
Ridden in a police car - yes
Driven a boat - Yes
Eaten Escargot - Yes
Been on a cruise - Yes
Run out of gas - Yes
Eaten Sushi - Yes
Seen a ghost/spirit - Yes
Been to London - yes
Been to Central America - Yes
Been to Alaska - yes
Been to Hawaii - yes
Seen a UFO- No
Been to Europe - yes
Been to San Francisco - yes
Been to NYC - yes
Been to Washington DC - yes
Been snow skiing - yes
Been Ice skating - Yes"
- EMLB77

Tuesday, January 2, 2018, 3:37:05 AM- Because why not :)
Eighteen random facts for the new year. Let’s get to know each other! I can't wait to read yours!

1. Do you make your bed everyday? Nope, no one is gonna see it and I’m going to be back in it as quick as I can! Plus I’d have to kick the sleeping husband and the dog that steals my place as soon as I get up out!

2. What's your favorite number? 8

3. What is your dream job? Anything where I can travel without having to sell something or getting paid to just travel smile

4. If you could, would you go back to school? Yes

5. Can you parallel park? Yup

6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked to know you had. Maybe, beverage cart girl at a golf course when I was 20. Not that its too shocking. The tips were awesome!!

7. Do you think aliens are real? Yes

8. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes

9. What is your guilty pleasure? None that I feel guilty for! lol Drinking wine in a hot bath is good though and of course NN. smile

10. What's your dream car? One that can drive itself!

11. Do you talk to yourself? Not out loud. smile

12. Do you like doing puzzles? Yes

13. Favorite music? Country

14. Coffee or tea? Coffee!!!

15. Do you hit the snooze button? At least twice. Some days so much that I have to brush my teeth, throw on my scrubs and run out the door *blushes*

16. Love or money? Love for sure

17. Pets? The dog I mentioned above, Kenzi. My 1yr 11mo old, 85lb, Shepard/lab mix and Cosmo. My almost 5yr old, 14lb, orange and white tabby cat that is the boss of the dog. They’re going to love each other one day. I know they will!! :/

18. First thing you remember you wanted to be growing up? A Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. Maybe one day. smile

Play along ... copy and paste this onto your wall, change my answers to yours, and let your friends learn a little about you.
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"A fabulous blog Tex, thank you so much for sharing and its been fab to see so many people taking part..mwah xxxxx"
- Allure

Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 2:22:28 PM- When stepping on the scale makes you happy....

Best of all though, I feel better and I sleep better. My health is more important than a number, but the number feels good too! grin
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"Wow that's excellent !!!!!!! Keep it up Tex......"
- smedium

Wednesday, October 25, 2017, 1:52:46 AM-
I haven?t been around much lately.

My daughter has officially entered the terrible teens! Trust me it?s worse than the terrible twos by a long shot! I?m not liking this teenage thing AT ALL! I?ve had to pull in the rains a little and I?ve become that mom that I never wanted to be that goes through her phone randomly and every night. She lost my trust though and she?s going to have to earn it back.

I also got some bad news about my dad today. It appears the prostectomy he had last November didn?t get all of his cancer. He had a PET scan last week and it shows cancer in two of his lymph nodes in the pelvic region. I just found out today. I?m sure with radiation he will be fine, but that doesn?t lift the weight that?s on my chest that makes me feel like I can?t breathe. I?m a daddy?s girl through and through and for him to have anything wrong with him worries me especially the word cancer. So, I?m currently sitting in the tub with a glass of wine hiding from my mini me so she won?t see that I?m falling apart. I don?t want her to know until we know more.

I love my dear friends here so very much, but my family needs me right now, so if I?m not around much you now know why. heart

If you?re the praying kind, please pray that my 15 year old makes it to her 18th birthday without me going to jail and even more so for my dad. I?m not nearly ready to do life without him.
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"So sorry to hear I'm so glad I didn't have girls boys were tough too but girls wow. Sorry about your dad sometimes I think I may have a problem. I have a physical coming up :-( . Good luck with the daughter."
- johnnyel

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