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Viewing Member - BoostSX

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Saturday, September 1, 2007, 12:00:35 AM- back again
I haven't been coming on here a lot lately. Don't know why, I think maybe it may just be that I am trying to focus on other areas of my life at the moment.

My premium membership will expire soon, and I will not be renewing at this stage. Because of this, I have chosen to remove some of my photos and videos. Don't despair because I have left some of my favourite shots on here.

Hope you are all keeping well, and are having a great time doing whatever it is you like to do.
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":( But, hope you may return soon, and wishing you the best in all you will do! :)"
- mdguy

Thursday, July 19, 2007, 10:55:19 AM- Re. dreams (last blog entry)
I am trying my best to work on gaining more emotional intelligence. While the dream I wrote about was disturbing, it certainly didn't create any strong emotions. I was perfectly happy when I woke up and felt normal. Often when having bad dreams in the past, I have woken up with a racing heart and have trouble going back to sleep. Not last night. Does this mean that my emotional intelligence is getting better? I'd like to think so.

ps. The thing I love most about dreaming is creating images that are almost real, like you are actually there experiencing what is happening.
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"I wish I could feel as serene from a dream (nightmare), but I'm not there yet."
- mdguy

Thursday, July 19, 2007, 12:14:13 AM- tradegy on the train tracks
So there we were standing on the platform at a railway station. There was a whole bunch of us there as we had decided to meet up there. It was all fairly routine with everyone just standing around and chatting. As we were standing around we noticed an modern electric express train (one that stopped at our station) pull up at the station and then take off again. This was on the tracks on the far side of where we were standing though, so not much attention was paid towards this.

What happened next can only be described as something out of the movies. A bloke, which we later figure must have been drugged up, comes running up to where we are standing, and leaps onto the track to go after the train that had taken off. The first thought that crosses my mind is why someone would be so stupid as to leap across one track, to get to the second track to go after the train. Anyway we figure he is going to give up the chase and just come back to the station.

I am not quite sure what is going through his head, but he continues to pursue the train into the tunnel which they have just entered. Out of some sort of miracle, the bloke managed to catch up to the train. His next mission is to try and get into the train, which isn't such an easy job when it is moving with all the side doors locked. So he decides to climb up onto the train.

Once he is on the train, he must move quickly to try and find a way in. He climbs up to the roof and moves forward a little. It is at this stage where I get a sudden sickening feeling in my stomach knowing that something bad is going to happen.

Sure enough all the power goes out, I know deep down inside me that he has struck the power lines and probably has not survived. There is chaos all around the station at this stage.

A couple of us start toward the train which has stopped within the tunnel, but within eye sight still. On our way there someone is yelling "call 911". We get to the train and see a couple of other people that have already made it there before us. When we see the man we realize that nothing can be done, the electricity was just too much for his body to handle.

It was at this stage I woke up, realizing it was just a dream.
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"!!! Holymafoly. That's.. a .. hardcore dream right there! Mine are vivid and untroubled or dreamlike and absolutely nuts. I cannot imagine the two negatives mixing, though! D:"
- amcut

Friday, July 6, 2007, 10:23:15 PM- dreams
Ever had one of those dreams where you think you ought to remember something about it for some reason. I had one of those last night. Someone was yelling out their surname which was "natory" (may not have been that spelling). I am curious to see if it means anything to me in future or not.


It is hard to find accurate information out there about reading in dreams. Some say that it can't be done as it uses different parts of the brain. I understand that words are pictures to your mind anyway, so it may not make a lot of sense but you can still interprate letters and words. The other day in my sleep, I was reading out something similar to a class roll. The names were grouped together and in alphabetical order. I found this hard because I wanted to find my name, but first I had to find the group I was in.
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Saturday, June 30, 2007, 6:47:20 AM- Psychic came to me today......
Today I went to the mind, body, spirit festival in Brisbane[url][/url]. They had few different seminars throughout the day. One of which was from the author of the book "The Miracle" (Maria Elita). We were in a small room of about 50 people or so. At the end of the presentation she said she would do some free psychic readings before the end of the session. There was not much time left and she started on a couple of people in the front row. I was sitting about half way back on an isle seat. I saw her walking towards me. I had this strange feeling that she was coming to see me.

Sure enough she soon reached were I was sitting and approached me. Immediately she picked up that I was feeling rather nervous about the confrontation and commented about the look on my face.

I felt the message come out of nowhere and the words just followed. She told me that I had to "get over it" and asked me if I knew what she was talking about. There was only one thing going through my thoughts at the time so I knew exactly what it was. She touched my shoulders and said that I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. When she finished she walked back to the front of the room and told everyone that she was teary after that.

One thing that I had observed previously is that Maria has a sanguine personality type, so knew that she always said things the way they were and does not try to cover anything up. She was also voted Queensland's psychic of the year.

Today certainly was an eye opener for me. Today I re-commence my journey to true happiness.
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Sunday, June 17, 2007, 1:23:48 PM- sometimes I wonder about myself
Like today for instance. Here I am with my cold (see previous blog), yet am not any more tired than usual. I survived with less sleep last night than I would normally get and did not have an afternoon nap which I often would have on the weekends, and have not felt the slightest bit drowsy until now (23:30 at night). When sick, you usually picture yourself resting up in bed. Not me though.

I am not complaining, but just find it weird that I feel this way.
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"We all feel different... I am more achy when sick rather than tired (but I feel tired all the time :P). Feel better, m8."
- mdguy

Sunday, June 17, 2007, 5:46:08 AM- developed cold today
Since this morning have been sneezing and sniffling and generally feeling pretty miserable. I am sure I will get over it quickly as I always take my vitamins and other supplements to make sure that I remain as healthy as possible.

Anyway got out for a while as the warmth seems to settle me a bit. Here are some photos of today.

1) Picnic table overlooking the water.

2) Pelicans enjoying the beautiful day out.

3) Old shed with million dollar views.

4) Very expensive looking drain. I actually think that it is quite a nice feature.
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"Two votes 'yay' for the pelicans... just a perfect image."
- mdguy

Saturday, June 16, 2007, 10:29:29 AM-
Went out to the park to enjoy the great outdoors late this afternoon and took a book with me so I could sit outside and read for a while. Had a brief chat to a nice young lady who was there with someone who had down syndrome. Good to see there are still some caring people out there.

Anyway onto the photos that I took. Would appreciate any feedback on these.

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"The last is the mix of nature and man in opposites... pretty cool to see man's idea of 'tree'... The first two look very serene; I wouldn't mind spending time enjoying the scenery. Thank you for showing/sharing these."
- mdguy

Tuesday, May 8, 2007, 1:28:38 AM- first time at nudist beach
Okay, this beach is located in bushland area just under a mile from the nearest road. It is an unofficial nudist beach, as there are no legal ones in Queensland. To get there you have to walk through along a mostly sandy path.

On the day that I went, it was stinking hot. On the way there, I unbuttoned my shirt and just walked with my chest showing. I saw quite a few people walking there or back, so I knew it was going to be fairly busy.

When I got there, I already saw quite a few people had already nuded up. Was hoping that it would be a bit more quiet for my first time. At the same time my heart was starting to race in the anticipation of being nude for my first time in front of strangers.

I wanted to get some photos, so I found a corner away from other people. Having said that though, a lot of people were still passing the area where I was sitting. I was not very comfortable taking a camera to a nude beach, as it may make other people feel rather uncomfortable. To set it up right too, would mean drawing a lot of attention to what I was doing. I really need someone to go with me that can take photos and keep it fairly discreet.

Anyway I found it easy to take the shirt off. The next step was the hardest, but I still felt alright because I wasn't going it alone. Took shorts and pants off, and just sat there naked. I did not walk anywhere as I knew I would probably get an erection. As it was, when women walked past I had trouble keeping it down. At least I found a way that I could quite easily hide it between my legs.

Next time, I would like to go back when it is a little quieter and take someone with me so I could feel more comfortable. May even put my stuff a little closer to the middle of the beach and try and go for a dip. With the weather getting cooler though, and the water temps dropping, may have to wait for summer again.

Now that I have done it once, I know that it will be better next time. I look forward to this day when I can do it again, and go further than I went last time.

ps. You can find some photos in my gallery.
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"hehe, I think you've just described everyones first time experience at a nude beach in the 3rd para. You've taken the plunge, next time you'll feel like an old pro, nothing beats being naked at the beach. Great pics there too."
- randeebugga

Tuesday, April 24, 2007, 11:11:17 PM- My first blog.... The exhibitionist in me
As it is the first, I will keep it fairly on-topic as far as this site goes.

As long as I can remember I have always been somewhat of an exhibitionist. When I was a young teen, I would sometimes go over to a friends place for a swim. They had some girls that were a bit younger than me. At some stage I was aware that they were fascinated in me. I can't remember why, however it was a big turn-on. So when I got dressed in the bathroom, I would leave the door just a little ajar and I could see the girls watching me.

I guess this set the path for the future. I still don't feel totally comfortable people seeing me that may not want to see me, So I remain fairly conservative (where is my spirit of adventure lol).

I have plenty of stories but I will leave for another day. I'll leave you with just one. This morning I went out and did my latest photoshoot (see my latest photos). I went out early for a couple of reasons. The main reason was I wanted some undisturbed photo shoots, as I was going to a fairly popular area on a public holiday. I also could get up early because I normally start work at 7am, so it felt quite normal to get up at that time. When I got to my location, it was dead quiet. Fantastic I thought. Knocked off quite a few shots, however the batteries didn't have much life in them, so the shoot was cut short.

I felt quite comfortable there without any clothes on, so I started walking back carrying my shorts, pants, and camera. Was wearing my t-shirt so it wasn't too obvious. As I was walking back, I got to the location where I was originally aiming to put my clothes back on, however it was still very quiet so I decided to go a little further. I was walking along just enjoying myself, when I heard a rustling and saw a wallaby hop across the path in front of me. I was a bit startled as the sound registered before the image, and I thought it might have been someone. I calmed down soon after, and kept walking. A little bit further on, I see a man on a cyclist coming. I swear to myself and quickly put the camera down and put on the pants and shorts. I managed to get the job done before the cyclist went past me, but I don't know whether he saw me when I first saw him. He didn't say anything, so who knows?

I desperately want to tune my mind not to worry about what other people will think of me. This doesn't just extend to nudity either, as in most aspects of my life I worry about what people will think. I know that I can never improve myself without overcoming this, so I will continue to work on this.

Anyway hope you all have a great day.
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"not only were those great photos, but you also had a terrific back story about them -- so often people dither in the bedroom or bathroom with no true focus -- you went out and enjoyed -- and that made all the difference (to you and to us the viewers) -- cheers, geoscape"
- geoscape

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